Draft Economic Development Strategy 2018-2022
Consultation has concluded
The Bathurst Region Economic Development Strategy 2018-2022 will present a guiding framework by which the Council, in partnership with industry and the community, can take a coordinated approach to retaining and growing the existing economic base of the region, as well as attracting new investment. The vision of the draft Strategy is for Bathurst to become:
“A pioneering, adaptable economic hub that celebrates the regions rich diversity, culture, skills and history, yet nourishes innovative, nimble industries and professionals of the future.”
The objectives of the new Strategy have been based on “Economic Enablers” that were identified through Council business development programs, key stakeholder engagement and community consultation. The objectives are as follows:
- Nurture economic and cultural infrastructure development
- Planning processes that protect and grow a vibrant region
- Market-leading promotional campaigns and events
- Support local business growth, partnerships and skill development
- Grow local employment, investment and attract new businesses
- Develop Bathurst into a Smart City
The draft Bathurst Region Economic Development Strategy 2018-2022 has been developed incorporating the conversations, comments, suggestions and feedback that have taken place over the past 18 months. It identifies and responds to the community’s economic vision and priorities for the future.
We are now seeking your feedback on the draft version of the Economic Development Strategy. Council welcomes your feedback, as your response plays an essential role in developing the strategy and identifying the needs and priorities of Council and its community.
An information session will be held on Thursday, 3rd May commencing at 12.30pm in the Bathurst Regional Council Chambers, First Floor, 158 Russell Street, Bathurst.
To find out more information, please contact Council's Economic Development Section on 6333 6211 or register your interest below to attending the session.
The draft Economic Development Strategy 2018-2022 is on public exhibition until 4.45pm on 21 May 2018. The final Strategy, along with a summary of submissions and amendments, will then be prepared for consideration by Council in June 2018.