Community Strategic Plan Introduction

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A Community Strategic Plan, or CSP, sets out the long-term vision for our community across the Bathurst region. The CSP shows where a community wants to be in 10 years and is based on collaboration between all levels of government, local agencies, residents, and visitors of the region. It is our plan for the long-term, which will be used to guide shorter-term planning and actions. Our Region Our Future is Council’s fourth iteration of the CSP for the Bathurst Region.

The Plan is Council’s key strategic planning document and is developed in collaboration with and on behalf of residents, other levels of government and agencies. Responsibility for meeting the long-term community vision and desired outcomes rests with everyone. It also informs many of Council’s strategies and programs, including its resourcing strategy, 4-year delivery program and annual operational plan. The CSP is intended to represent the main priorities and aspirations of our community and is not intended to cover only Council services and facilities.

Our community has been directly involved in the development of the CSP, sharing their aspirations and hopes and prioritising our community objectives through ongoing conversations with Council during various meetings such as the Village Plans, event feedback, planning decisions and the community survey.

The CSP sets our goals and priorities for the city over the next ten years and beyond. The CSP also responds to State Government and other agency’s planning and infrastructure provision, as well as local service provider’s actions. Following the upcoming Local Government election, the new Council will use the CSP to decide the goals and actions during its term in office.

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