Project Update 24 April
From Monday 27 April to Friday 1 May, Telstra will excavate the ground to construct a concrete slab to protect underground cable which will close vehicle access on the western corner of Lambert and Mitre Sts heading towards Hill Street.
It is envisaged to reinstate traffic at the end of each shift through the placement steel plates over the open excavation. In the event that traffic cannot be reinstated due to exiting service issues, detours will be in place for the duration of works.
All other traffic movements between Mitre, Suttor and Lambert Streets will be enabled under traffic controlled conditions. Pedestrians will need to deviate locally around the work site per pedestrian routes delineated by barrier fencing.
Parking for access to the shops is available in the carpark near the Scout Hall. Council is asking that motorists allow for possible delays when travelling through the intersection and to please follow signage and directions from staff on site.
Consultation has concluded