What's News
MEDIA RELEASE 18 June 2021
What’s News
Free Technology Workshop
Thursday 24 June 10.30am - 12pm.
Join us for a free beginner’s tutorial to learn how to set up and use an email account.
Bring your own smart device or laptop and we’ll get you started in the world of electronic mail.
Places limited and bookings essential. Phone 6333 6281.
Music Talk Fest @ the Library
Friday 2 July - 6pm
Join ABC radio broadcaster Simon Marnie at the Bathurst Library for a lively panel discussion with a
group of music industry professionals and experts. Panellists include music composer Amanda Brown, rock music photographer Wendy McDougall, musician and producer of ABC rock history ‘Long
Way to the Top’, Greg Appel and hip hop artist and record label manager P. Smurf. Live music from
Andy Nelson, Genni Kane and Jon Wilby will also feature on the night with books and merchandise
available for sale. Bookings essential. Ph 6333 6281.
2021 Community Survey
Council reaches out to the community every two-three years to seek feedback on a range of local issues, Council's facilities and services. To provide your feedback visit yoursay.bathurst.nsw.gov.au/2021communitysurvey. The survey closes on 21 June.
Save the date
NSW Local Government elections will be held on Saturday, 4 September. Voting is
compulsory. For more information visit elections.nsw.gov.au/lge21
Local Government Election Employment Opportunities
People who would like to work at the September local government elections can now submit
an application through the NSW Electoral Commission website. Applicants can work on the day (Saturday 4 September) in a polling place, or for longer periods in a returning office or in one of the pre-poll voting centres. Visit www.elections.nsw.gov.au for more information.
Volunteer at the Bathurst Winter Festival
Volunteer at a signature event or in the Winter Playground during the Bathurst Winter Festival.
Visit www.bathurstwinterfestival.com.au to register.
Media contact: Media Officer
Consultation has concluded