Tenders called for the construction of Mitre/Suttor/Lambert St Roundabout


Bathurst Regional Council has advertised the tender for construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Mitre/Suttor/Lambert Streets West Bathurst.

The project, now in the early planning and consultation stages, will include the relocation of the existing carpark and realignment of utilities and services including gas and water.

Mayor Graeme Hanger OAM said Council has listened to the community and staff are now undertaking preliminary works.

“A consulting engineering firm has been engaged to prepare construction drawings and staff have commenced engaging the stakeholders that will be most impacted,” he said.

“The project timeline, cost and level of disruption, at this early stage are still being determined, however it is expected there will be traffic impacts, including full closures of the intersection, for more than nine months,” he said.

Regular project updates will be published on the YourSay Bathurst website to keep the community informed on the project’s progress.

For more news visit yoursay.bathurst.nsw.gov.au/newscentre


More information: Media Officer

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Consultation has concluded

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