Council to consider stimulus measures for businesses and community


15 April 2020

Council will tonight consider a range of stimulus measures to assist local businesses and the community intended to help sustain and rebuild the local economy, as part of a Mayoral Minute.

Mayor Bobby Bourke said this is an unprecedented health emergency and Council plays an important role in sustaining and driving our local economy.

“Council will do all we can to support our residents, businesses and preserve the very fabric of our community”, he said.

The following measures will be considered:

Assistance to businesses

Council is proposing to waive a range of fees or charges for local businesses such as:

  • Cafes and restaurants
  • Hairdressers and skin businesses
  • Bed and breakfasts
  • Temporary food outlets

Changes to the current procurement policy will also be considered to provide greater opportunities for local businesses and suppliers.

Hardship claims for rates

Cases of hardship as a result COVID-19 will be considered on an individual case by case basis. Council will work with ratepayers and businesses to establish repayment plans this may include consideration of the waiving, or deferring, of interest penalties for the short term.

Retention of Council services and staff

Council is ensuring the provision of vital services to the community, in particular, water, sewer, waste, finance (creditors), health and building, planning, engineering and childcare, and where able to do so, the provision of services by alternative methods such as library, art gallery and museum services.

Council is a major contributor to the economy employing around 400 staff members and will be a major driver of the local economy during the recovery phase. It is important that Council staff are employed and continue to spend their income in the local economy to support businesses in keeping their doors open. It is anticipated that Federal and State programs will be announced in the future will provide opportunities for local government.

At this stage, Council has predicted a loss of revenue of approximately $465 000 and the initial stimulus measures that are proposed will cost $410 000 with an impact on Council’s budget of almost $900K. This figure is expected to rise significantly as the crisis continues.

Recovery Phase

Council is planning towards the economic and community recovery period by continuing to build on services that are provided to the community.

A strategy is being developed to assist businesses when the economy enters a period of recovery. An array of shop local marketing materials and campaigns will be prepared for roll out at the appropriate time. The recovery period will include, but is not limited to, an expanded Jobs Expo to assist with employment, expanded BizMonth program, extensive promotion of the Buy Local Gift Card (including competitions and associated messaging), and a revamped Business Leaders Lunch.

Current initiatives include:

  • Revamp of the Bathurst Business Hub website to provide businesses with easier access to the latest State and Federal Government announcements, stimulus packages and resources
  • Extensive update of the Evojobs platform
  • Regular eNewsletters to Council’s business database
  • Buy Local Gift Card competition
  • Promotion of a series of online webinars for business owners
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