What is the NSW Planning Portal?

    The NSW Planning Portal (Portal) is an online environment has been developed by NSW Government Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) where community, industry and government can work together to better understand and meet their obligations under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. It hosts a range of digital planning services, mapping tools and reporting tools to assist everyone involved in a proposed development. The Portal aims to improve application determination times, increase the transparency of the planning system, and ensure greater accountability of all stakeholders.

    Why is Council moving to online lodgement of applications via the NSW Planning Portal?

    The NSW Government requires all NSW councils to use the NSW Planning Portal for all applications.   Bathurst Regional Council is required to adopt this system by 1 January 2021. We are rolling out the system early to ensure we address any issues before all applications must be made online.   The change to online planning and building applications enables all of us to improve convenience and customer service.


    My address is not recognised, what can i do?

    If your address is not recognised, you can try to enter the Lot, Section and Deposited Plan details of the land.   The Lot, Section and Deposited Plan details can be found on your rates notice, under the postal address details.  You may also call Council during business hours on 6333 6271 to find out your Lot, Section and DP details.

    In the portal, the Lot and DP details need to be entered in a specific format Lot/Section/Deposited Plan.  If your Lot and DP details were Lot 1, DP 1234567, in the portal, you would enter 1/-/DP1234567.

    Not all properties will have a section, they are common in the rural and village areas.  Please ensure that you separate each component with a backslash '/', include a dash '-' if the property does not have a section number and include the letters 'DP' in front of the Deposited Plan number or "SP" in front of the Strata Plan number.

    What applications are able to be lodged via the Portal?

    From 1 January 2021, all Section 68 (LG Act) applications, development applications, construction certificates and complying development certificates are required to be lodged via the Portal.  

    Do I have to lodge my development application via the Portal?

    Yes, you must prepare and submit your application via the Portal when lodging a Section 68 (LG Act) applications, development applications, construction certificates and complying development certificates with Bathurst Regional Council. 

    The lodgement of applications via the Portal was mandated by Bathurst Regional Council on 1 January 2021.

    Is there a procedure or documentation to assist with lodging my application via the Portal?

    Yes, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has created a guide to walk you through registration and lodgement on the Portal. It is recommended that during the lodgement process you “Save/Continue” or “Save/Exit” while you are completing your application.

    How do I lodge my application if the proposed lot is not registered?

    Applications can only be lodged on registered lots.   The NSW Planning Portal is updated weekly, and you may experience a delay in newly registered lots appearing in the Planning Portal.

    How do I know if I have submitted everything required for my application?

    Council staff will undertake a pre-lodgement check and advise you by email if further documentation is required. Council will allow three (3) business days for the additional information to be provided or otherwise the application may be returned. 

    It is important to understand the application pre-lodgement check does not assess the actual development application.   Council’s planner and/or building surveyor may require additional information to be submitted during the application assessment process.

    What if I have other applications such as a septic application and/or driveway application, can I lodge it concurrently with my DA via the Portal?

    Yes, Bathurst Regional Council will allow the use of the Portal for lodging other development related application forms and associated documents. Please use the 'other' category when submitting the associated Development Application. Please note you cannot lodge these applications separately via the Portal.

    If my application is returned, do I need to start another application from the beginning?

    No, the returned application can be copied onto another application, to avoid the applicant from re-entering information. Should you require assistance, please contact Council on telephone 02 6333 6271.

    Note: you will, however, need to upload the required lodgement documentation again.

Assistance with lodging your application

    Who can assist me with the Portal?

    If you require assistance using the Portal, and you were unable to find an answer within the Help and Support section on the Portal, you may contact Service NSW for assistance by calling 1300 305 695 or via email info@service.nsw.gov.au. 

    Council staff are available to assist you with submitting your application during business hours.   It is recommended that you make an appointment to ensure a staff member is available to assist you.  Please call 02 6333 6271 to make an appointment.  

    What if I don’t have a computer to use to lodge my application?

    Your builder, draftsperson, shed company or home improvement company may be able to lodge your application on your behalf.   Discuss this option with them.   A family member may also be able to assist you with lodging your application.

    Council staff are available to assist you with submitting your application during business hours.   It is recommended that you make an appointment to ensure a staff member is available to assist you.  Please call 02 6333 6271 to make an appointment.   The Bathurst Library also has computers available for use during the Library’s opening times.


    Can I take a photograph of my plans?

    No, plans must be drawn to scale and are required to be submitted in a readable PDF format. Council’s Planning Team are able to scan plans for you to submit with your application, however fees and charges apply for scanning and printing services.

    Why will Council only accept PDF format for the electronic files?

    Adobe PDF is the most commonly available format that preserves the integrity and quality of documentation across any software, hardware or operating system. Please ensure that no security settings, including passwords, are applied to PDF documents.

DA Tracking

    How do I track the status of my application?

    You can track the status of your application through the status column on your Portal dashboard when you sign into your account. Once the application is lodged the Portal status will display under assessment. For more information you can view Council’s DA Tracker.

    Are electronic files lodged with Council available for public viewing?

    Yes. All planning applications will remain publicly available on Council’s DA Tracker.  Information may also be made available in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Some documents will be published on Council's DA Tracker website during exhibition periods.


    How do I pay my fees?

    Once your application is complete and accepted for lodgement via the Portal, Council's Customer Relations Team will contact you for payment. Your application will not be lodged until the application fees have been paid in full. Please ensure you state who will be paying for the application in the relevant section of the Portal application process where the payee details are different to the applicant details.

    If the application includes integrated development, this fee is paid in the NSW Planning Portal directly to the external agency. This fee will not be requested until the concurrence/referral is actioned from Council.

    As a company, do I need to provide my ABN/ACN?

    Yes, your ABN/ACN is required for Council to correctly link your application from the Portal to Council’s systems.

    How do I lodge my Occupation Certificate application?

    Occupation Certificates lodged with Bathurst Regional Council are to be submitted via the


    Why do I need to lodge my Principal Certifier Agreement with my Occupation Certificate when I have already lodged it with my Construction Certificate?

    This is a requirement of the NSW Planning Portal. You can obtain a copy of the PC Agreement by contacting Council on telephone 02 6333 6271 or alternatively you can obtain a copy via the Planning Portal. Please ensure the entire PC Agreement is lodged with your application.

    Will Council accept a photograph of the PC Agreement?

    No, PC Agreements are required to be submitted in a readable PDF format. Council’s Planning Team are able to scan this for you to submit with your application, however fees and charges apply for scanning and printing services.

    What if I don’t have a copy of my development consent?

    Copies of development consents and associated certificates are available via Council’s DA Tracker or the Portal, however if a certificate has been issued by a Private Certifier you will need to obtain a copy from them.